To grow as an IT specialist with an interest in software development, computer networking, information security, cybersecurity, and game development.
Development and management of microservices through Java Spring, creation of websites with React and Angular, as well as database administration.
Bachelor Degree on Applied Math and Computing, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM.
Diploma in Statistical Techniques and Data Mining, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM.
December 2021 - Now
Junior Analyst Programmer
I am currently part of the Technology area, belonging to one of the work cells that handles the Onboarding of part of the products offered by the bank. This cell is in charge of the business processes through which a prospect can digitally access the contracting of products such as checking accounts, credits such as TDC, personal credit, as well as various types of individual insurance to mention the most relevant.
My main responsibilities consist of:
  • Address new requirements of the product areas by participating in the ANALYSIS where the technical impact is identified and with this determine the scope and investment of hours and resources required, DEVELOPMENT that involves the implementation along with the coordination with the different teams involved, in addition to the MONITORING of the release process through quality assurance until its subsequent release into production, which sometimes involves monitoring to validate its correct functioning.
  • Strengthen current processes through refactoring at critical points, seeking greater efficiency in existing processes and thus improving the customer experience.
  • Response to incidents in the product contracting processes, which consist of ANALYSIS of the reported error that involves searching for its origin in order to arrive at proposals for its immediate SOLUTION and prevention.
My main focus is as a backend developer, using Java for the development of microservices with the Spring framework. With microservices, the main tasks range from creating new endpoints according to the requirements presented by the business architects or by maintaining and improving upon existing ones, this to be used directly by some product on the front-end or by other microservices. These microservices were developed on Java using the framework Springboot, with the help of JPA, Hibernate to facilitate the data management in PostgreSQL database.

On the other hand, on occasions I have also participated in front-end development, which is through Typescript with Angular. This involves mostly maintenance and improvement of existing components within the project, like the change of structure, style and behavior all of it using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Code Builders
June 2021 - December 2021
During my stay here, I participated in a project to migrate a management system for towing and vehicle repair services. The new system was developed with the ASP.NET framework based on the Model View Controller architecture using the C# language. My responsibilities consisted of creating the different views using Bootstrap for their layout, in addition to the front-end logic with Javascript. I also developed the back-end logic where the main activity was the migration of the code from the original system to the new one along with improvements requested by the client.
Polyhedron Universe
August 2020 - April 2021
Freelance multimedia project developed on the web that seeks creative freedom. I was part of the 3D graphics environment development team, which was build using the library Three.js and the Web framework React.js.
Visualization and Virtual Reality Department.
October 2020 - April 2021
During my stay in DVRV, I took part on different tasks related to Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Such tasks involved testing different AR solutions and the development of a mini tutorial for the VR Headset Oculus Quest using Unity Engine.
January - December 2019

A personal project that, along with friends and classmates, was aimed to the development of video games using the engine Unity. During this time, we managed to finish two projects:

  • Caro: A game developed for a contest at our university in which we won first place. It's a PC game with four minigames and a touching story.
  • Save the Aliens: Developed on a seminar on the Center of Digital Culture (CCD) in Mexico City. Aimed for mobile devices, consists of a skill game in which you have to save Aliens while also trying to beat your high score.
Sistema Hera
August - December 2018
Back-end / Data base
Development of a web solution for the administration of the grading system at a high school. I designed and built the database while also working on the back-end using PHP. This was a project developed for the class of Software Engineering; 5 teams delivered their solutions, and of all the projects, my team was chosen as the best solution.
Languages & software
Game Summit November 2019
I was a volunteer for the first major event related to game development in Spanish-speaking countries. The event was organized by Mexican and Spanish studios together with Unity and Unreal.
El Podcast de Moi y Mau
Hobby in which along with a friend we talk about music focusing on Hip-Hop. We have at least 20 episodes of about 1 hour.